...,神杖! \x0d\x0aAncient scepter.远古神杖。\x0d\x0aScythe of Vyse!镰刀! \x0d\x0aHeart of Tarrasque!恐鳌之心。 \x0d\x0aBoots of Travel!远行鞋! \x0d\x0aShiva's Guard!希瓦的守护! \x0d\x0aBloodstone!血精石! \x0d\x0aVeil of Discord!纷争面纱! \x0d\x0aLinkin's Sphere!林肯法球! \x0d\x0aAnother Sphere!另一个法球。\x0d\x0aImmortality!不朽之守护! \x0d\x0aFor ages more!再活五百年.\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a获得符文:\x0d\x0aI will recall you at a later point.片刻后再行祈唤。 \x0d\x0aI will think upon this for a time.给我点时间想想。 \x0d\x0aBe mindful of your purpose.请注意你的使命。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a符文:\x0d\x0aHaste!急速! \x0d\x0aStill, not as swift as the speed of my thoughts.还是不如我的思维快。 \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aDouble damage!双倍伤害! \x0d\x0aRedoubled concentration.双重的专注,双倍的伤害。 \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aRegeneration!恢复! \x0d\x0aVitality, like my knowledge, a well that never empties.生命力就像是我的知识一样,是一眼永不干涸的泉水。 \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aIllusion!幻象! \x0d\x0aI'm betwixt myself.跻身自我。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aInvisibility!隐身! \...
- 1霹雳球技能
- 2潮人篮球分球技能
- 3街球技能选择
- 4红球技能
- 5回转球技能效果
- 6宝可梦影子球技能
- 7雷电球技能
- 8驯龙高手 旅程肉球技能攻略
- 9精灵宝可梦 暗影球技能
- 10精灵宝可梦暗影球技能