legion war技能
...r original cult center was near Zin-Azshari, but the Sisters of Elune moved the temple to Suramar when it was clear Azshara cared more for the luxury of herself and the Highborne than anyone else. After Suramar fell, Elune was the main source of hope for the millions of refugees fleeing the Burning Legion. Elune's worship was essentially universal(no cult centers) for the Night Elves in the ten thousand years beeen the War of the Ancients and the Third War(the Long Vigil). The center of her worship is now the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus. Tyrande Whisperwind is her High Priestess, but many Priestesses, and for the first time, male priests, are found throughout the world, ready to heal war-weary Azeroth with her light总结艾露恩由于TRPG的一本中文翻译错误导致在国内魔兽冬粉中引起了关于其实力的广泛争议,导致其曾产生许多误解。暴雪澄清过,同时也对艾露恩的定位进行了重申“她是一个高位存在”。成就春节节日成就:击败年兽并完成“艾露恩的祝福”任务描述:击败外表华丽的双头恶灵,然后完成任务:艾露恩的祝福,幸运将向你走来!奖励:10成就点数/p>h3 ...