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  • 外国玩家评论海洋版明日之后——《遗落海域》 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)

    ...ting... NetEase is still known to copying their games...是的,网易太好笑了,好像改名会让我们忘记他们换皮似的。SupriyadiNetEase has made a lot of good mobile games, but they often make it into p2w game about half year after their official release.网易制作过很多优秀手游,但通常在公测后的半年,把它改成逼氪游戏。HizZAt first, i thought it's LifeAfter. Same Interface.刚开始的那个界面,我还以为是明日之后呢。Spoily 19There are quite numbers of netease games yet none officially release yet.网友游戏数量很多,但尚未发布的也很多。Ricardo MendesBeautiful game, but chinese language sucks.游戏很美,但中文很烂。JoshuaDimpudus Belum ada info rilis global ya bg di playstore?还没有国际服发布消息吗?ErendawnNews Reporter: What inspired you to make another same looking game?Netease: Money记者:是什么激励着你制作一款换皮游戏?网易:钱Justic ltd36Imagine lag but this time under the water.Lol想象一下,在水下缓缓移动,哈哈It's Me DIOHere we go again!Just like ROS and LA they will stick to it's original theme then start to release something,lol又...