【本文系着迷网独家稿件,未经授权,禁止以任何形式转载,否则将追究法律责任。】星露谷物语stardew valley硬木怎么获得?硬木哪有是小伙伴们困惑许久的问题!马上你就能找到答案了哦!还有硬木有什么用也为你详细解析一下吧!硬木怎么获得通过升级斧头(铁斧头可砍大部分),然后砍伐玩家农场和野外的巨大树桩获得,除此之外,秘密森林中每天可以让玩家获取12个硬木头。如果运气够好的话,在矿山中探索和打破箱子和桶的时候也有很小的概率获得硬木头。硬木有什么用rable type of fence. Takes an average of a year before degrading.软木浮子: Slightly increases the size of your fishing bar蠕虫仓库: Produces bait on a regular basis. The worms are self-sufficient.传送图腾: Beach : Warp directly to the beach. Consumed on use.传送图腾: Mountains : Warp directly to the mountains. Consumed on use.传送图腾: Farm: Crafting/Warp directly to your house. Consumed on use.传送图腾: Activate to greatly increase the chance for rain tomorrow. Consumed on use.星露谷物语stardew valley硬木怎么获得现在...