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  • 国土防线2 国土防线2革命在哪看装备

    ...配件都击杀过一次敌人#10Surprise!(给你个惊喜)Kill 20 KPA using proximity based GTK items.使用距离感应式GTK道具20名KPA士兵#11The bigger they are(他们越大)Kill 20 heavies.20个重甲士兵#12Take me out(带我出去)Perform 30 takedowns on KPA snipers.在KPA击手身上施展30次处决#13Guerrilla Master(游击队头子)Deploy every type of GTK item at least once.使用过每一种GTK道具#14Silent but Deadly(致命静寂)Perform 5 takedowns in a row without being spotted by the KPA.在不被KPA发现的情况下,连续五次施展潜行击杀#15Danger Zone!(危险区!)Create a character for Resistance Mode.建立一个抵抗模式角色#16Mayhem 101(101)Purchase a skill.购买一个技能#17Practical Mayhem(实习生)Deploy an active skill in a mission, and have at least one other player use the results.在任务中使用一次主动技能,并至少有一名其他玩家享受到此主动技带来的效果。#18Professor Mayhem(专家)Purchase 4 different active skills across any number of Resistance Mode characters.抵抗模式中的所有角色累计获得了四种不同的主动技能#19Phased plasma rifl...