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  • 骑马与砍杀2作弊码大全全部秘籍一览,骑马与砍杀2作弊码指令大全

    ...dd_focus_points_to_hero#  列出所有部队ID:campaign.give_troops帮助  将部队添加到您的队伍中:campaign.give_troops [TroopID]#  例如,要在你的队伍中增加20名帝国弓箭手,输入:campaign.give_troops imperial_archer 20  列出活动任务:campaign.list_active_quests  完成当前任务:campaign.complete_active_quest  取消活动任务:campaign.cancel_active_quest  怀胎孩子(如果未婚,将您嫁给某人):campaign.conceive_child  以下是到目前为止发现的控制台命令-我尚未对它们进行全部测试,只是您在上面看到的那些命令。  Log.Campaign.hide_log  Log.Campaign.show_log  Log.Campaign.show_unfiltered_logs  Log.Campaign.start_capturing  Log.Campaign.stop_capturing  Mission_Highlights.AddHighlight  Mission_Highlights.Initialize  Mission_Highlights.OpenGroup  Mission_Highlights.OpenSummary  Mission_Highlights.RemoveHighlight  Mission_Highlights.SaveVideo  agent.change_action_set  agent.delete_agent  agent.equip_clear  agent.fade_in  agent.fade_out  agent.goto  agent.main_agent_play_action_at_channel ...

  • 卧龙苍天陨落1.120补丁更新,卧龙苍天陨落1.120更新了什么

    ...s so that, if one of the two Hidden Tomes made available by defeating a boss had already been acquired, the likelihood of the boss dropping the second Hidden Tome will be higher.  Made changes so that enemies movements during battle will pause while the notification about obtaining Hidden Tomes is displayed.  Made upward adjustments to the duration of the Wizardry Spell Frozen Shot and the proportion of Ice damage bound to the weapon.  Improved the camera behavior when locking on to Bingcan.  Made changes so that a UI indicating that an affinity took place would be displayed when using the Five Phases to make talismans produced by the General of Heavens Illusion disappear.  Improved the visibility of Demonized Dian Weis Critical Blow, in which he shoots projectiles.  Made upward adjustments to the accessory drop rate increase granted by the special effect Drop Priority (Accessories).  Made changes so that the special effects Cestus Damage Increase and Cestus Spirit Damage Increase may be applied to cestuses.  Made upward adjustments to the potential rarities of drop items within treasure chests in the following battlefields from Extra Story 1: Battle...

  • 橡胶强盗需要什么配置,橡胶强盗系统配置需求推荐

    橡胶强盗是一款以犯罪为乐的多人群战游戏,最多支持4名玩家。 凭藉8个激烈的游戏模式,玩家可以偷窃、群殴以及带着数量最多的脏物冲过终点线来赢得胜利,下面跟着小编一起来看看橡胶强盗系统配置需求推荐吧。橡胶强盗系统配置需求推荐最低配置:  需要 64 位处理器和操作系统  操作系统: Windows 7 64 Bit  处理器: i3 or equivalent  内存: 4 GB RAM  显卡: Integrated Graphics Card will do  存储空间: 需要 1 GB 可用空间  附注事项: Broadband internet connection is required for online play. Duh.推荐配置:  需要 64 位处理器和操作系统  操作系统: Windows 10  处理器: i5 or equivalent  内存: 8 GB RAM  显卡: Dedicated Graphics Card  网络: 宽带互联网连接  存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间