...?Deep under the sea?抑或 海底深处?Is true love meant to be found?真爱 是否注定被寻得?Now I don’t mind如今我淡然如风Just being alone孤身一人I have a good time也自得To be on my own, but I其乐 可我Sometimes,有时却Think about you不禁念起你Bubbles sink down into the sea泡沫沉入海中Jellyfish happy dreaming水母的梦 欢乐无穷Even the water is hot连水也温热Lingering, it’s so carefree缠绵悱恻 无虑无忧Please, don’t wake me up拜托你 别惊扰了我的梦Lingering in the ocean of love在那爱之海 交织缠绕We swim together then breaking apart你我共游 又分道扬镳And my crystal heart我水晶般纯洁的心灵Is never the same不再如故The ocean of love爱之海啊It is time to say goodbye是时候 与你道别Now I don’t mind如今我淡然如风Just being alone孤身一人I have a good time也自得To be on my own, but I其乐 可我Sometimes,有时却Think about you不禁念起你Bubbles sink down into the sea泡沫沉入海中Jellyfish happy swimming水母欢欣畅游Lingering deep down the sea荡过我心头Jellyfish happy swimming水母欢欣畅游Lingering, it’s so carefree缠绵悱恻 无虑...
...空执念的神经在痛还好不止我 也不止我那什么蠢蠢欲动还好只是我 也只是我不惧那来势汹汹温柔的嘶吼最抢手堵住了口别不耐受自由的灵魂别腐朽一丝不苟 晃悠悠该留的留要走的走既往不咎别无所求跟住节奏这个时候别再守旧Into My Soul不抢不争 不慕虚荣 有种不紧不松 不负心胸 嗯哼还好不止我 也不止我那什么蠢蠢欲动还好只是我 也只是我不惧那来势汹汹温柔的嘶吼最抢手堵住了口别不耐受自由的灵魂别腐朽一丝不苟 晃悠悠该留的留要走的走既往不咎别无所求跟住节奏这个时候别再守旧Into My Soul热门评论:《怂》只是一种嘲讽,没想到大家都听懂了,我不知如何去表达那种和大家能连接在一起的感受,总之那些没白没黑的日子没白熬。读书人的事能叫怂吗?明明是从心好吗?不知道咋说,反正挺喜欢的。 曹老师的歌我听的不是特别多,但是《如果你爱我》算起来大概一直听了六年左右,后来在学校听了“遥念词”,基本就是这两首翻来覆去的听,怎么听都听不厌。 今天个人电台随机播放到了...
...茶冷饮搭配乒乓球比赛恰到好处This is getting heavy这节奏愈渐强烈Can you hear the bass boom, I’m ready你是否能听见这低音炮声 我已准备就绪Life is sweet as honey生活甜如蜜Yeah this beat cha ching like money激情节奏犹如钱币摇撞Disco overload I’m into that I’m good to go沉迷Disco 我准备启程I'm diamond you know I glow up你应知晓我如同钻石般熠熠生辉Hey, so let’s go嘿 让我们出发吧Cos ah ah I’m in the stars tonight因为今夜我将于漫天星辰中So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight所以看着我点燃火光 点亮天空Shining through the city with a little funk and soul伴着放克灵魂乐 随光照耀整座城市So I’mma light it up like dynamite, woah所以我将如同炸药一般点燃 绽放光彩Bring a friend join the crowd带上你的伙伴们Whoever wanna come along无论谁想加入进来一同欢乐Word up talk the talk just move like we off the wall只要我答应了便会说到做到 和我们一同狂热起舞吧Day or night the sky’s alight无论日夜交替 天空总是那般闪烁So we dance to the break of dawn我们翩翩起舞 直至黎明Ladies and gentleme...
十五款产品重磅亮相 腾讯LevelInfinite科隆展首个品牌发布会
北京时间8月24日凌晨,腾讯旗下国际游戏业务品牌 Level Infinite 首个品牌发布会《跃入无限(Into the Infinite:A Level Infinite Showcase)》在2023德国科隆国际游戏展顺利举办。本届德国科隆游戏展, Level Infinite携《刺客信条:Jade(Assassin’s Creed Jade)》、《暗区突围国际版(Arena Breakout)》、《重生边缘(SYNCED)》、《三角洲行动(Delta F或者ce: Hawk Ops)》、《寻路者(Wayfinder)》等十五款新游重磅亮相。品牌发布会上,Level Infinite CEO刘铭表示,Level Infinite账户体系Level Infinite Pass已达到1000万用户里程碑。 多终端、多品类,Level Infinite携十五款精品亮相科隆展 这次参加科隆展,是Level Infinite继去年携带多款新品亮相并斩获多个奖项之后的第二次参展,其中不乏从立项之初就饱受关注的3A大作。《刺客信条:Jade(Assassin’s Creed Jade)》是一款由 Level Infinite 与育碧合作全球发行的开放世界动作冒险及角色扮演游戏。游戏背景设定在公元前 215 年的秦朝,玩家将踏入古代中国,在咸阳的壮丽景色中体验《刺客信条》系列标志性的潜行...
- rainfall('uh') This is your momentEyes on the pulpit kidI think Church just openedAnd they're singing your praises la-la-laScreaming your name out la-la-loudOne m或者e step you're Imm或者tal now 'causeOnce you play GODOnce you play GODThey're gonna' crumble one by oneThen we gonna ride right into the SunLike it's the day my kingdom comeBaby we'reGA-GA-GA-GA-GA-GODSYeah we'reGA-GA-GA-GA-GA-GODSWelcome to the big showNext on the ladderIs it your name in the rafterBrief moment of silenceBad girl woke up chose violenceAnd they're singing my praises la-la-laScreaming my name out la-la-loudThis is why we're Imm或者tal now 'causeOnce you play GODOnce you play GODThey're gonna' crumble one by oneThen we gonna ride right into the SunLike it's the day my kingdom comeBaby we'reGA-GA-GA-GA-GA-GODSOh yeah we'reGA-GA-GA-GA-GA-GODSI'm on my kneesPray f或者 gl或者yWill anyone read this underdog st或者yI can't lose myself againHelp me raise this heartHeart unbreakableOnce you play GODOnce you play GODThey're gonna' crumble one by oneThen we gonna ride right into the SunLike it's the day my kingdom comeOnce you play GODOnce you play GODThey're gonna' crumble one by oneThen we gonna ri...
宅猪传统仙侠之作《牧神记》上线北美,引众多外国仙侠爱好者热议。 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
... OP AF, kills to climb to the top and a fucking psychopath.让我想起了动漫《幼女战记》的主角,为了杀人而爬到山顶。十足的疯子。BanchouinBecome OP, destroy the universe. What fun is that.!Villain should have a hard time leveling that would bring lots of humor and laugh into it. Think Dr. Evil, adorable mad genius.成就无敌,毁灭宇宙。多有趣!反派会有一个艰难的发育过程,这将会给人们带来很多欢声笑语。想想那个可爱的疯狂天才——邪恶博士。(注:邪恶博士王牌大贱谍电影中的反派角色)PlotArmourAvatar: airbender Avatar: legend of korra.Im curious about this novel. I also hope the mc isn’t a beta and is a true anti-hero.降世神通:最后的气宗>降世神通 科拉传奇。对这本小说很好奇,希望主角是一个真正的反派。Time_MasterRarely do we get a novel where the MC is a true villain with him going soft after about 50 chapters.大概50章后,反派性格会变软。MinistrineRead Dungeon Defense if you want a anti hero story although it has some mild psychology and dark side. Not for the pure and unsuffered heart.你想要一个反英雄的话,我推...
上班摸鱼必备!10款耐玩又耐刷的roguelike游戏,入坑能玩一整年 - 游戏资讯(健康生活网)
...要研究使士兵输出最大化的阵型。另外,关卡里敌人的种类、数量以及配置方式都是随机的,因此通关还需要一些运气的加持。招募什么类型的士兵、把军团拼成什么形状,是游戏最核心、最具挑战力的部分。《陷阵之志》)(Into the Breach)同样是策略与“肉鸽”的组合,但《陷阵之志》更偏向于用战旗来做智力游戏。游戏设定在外星人入侵的地球,残存的人类文明要与异星生物交战。玩家将控制未来的机甲兵器对抗外星人的威胁。在随机生成的地图里,以回合制策略战棋的玩法保卫地球。在战斗时,玩家最多只能带三个单位上场,所以大多数情况下战场上都是三个单位。单位的组成不仅是机甲和武器,每个机甲中都会有一位驾驶员,驾驶员拥有特殊技能。对比我方并不算充沛的兵力,敌人显得更加来势汹汹的敌人。所以相比起硬碰硬,合理利用地形更加行之有效,并且游戏的目的也不是杀敌,而是保卫我方设施的同时达成关卡给出的小目标。能源可以是人类的核心,比如民用建筑可以为你的机...
外国玩家评论海洋版明日之后——《遗落海域》 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
...attaruloYeah NetEase is so ridiculous if thinks changing the name makes us like forgetting... NetEase is still known to copying their games...是的,网易太好笑了,好像改名会让我们忘记他们换皮似的。SupriyadiNetEase has made a lot of good mobile games, but they often make it into p2w game about half year after their official release.网易制作过很多优秀的手游,但通常在公测后的半年,把它改成逼氪游戏。HizZAt first, i thought it's LifeAfter. Same Interface.刚开始的那个界面,我还以为是明日之后呢。Spoily 19There are quite numbers of netease games yet none officially release yet.网友游戏数量很多,但尚未发布的也很多。Ricardo MendesBeautiful game, but chinese language sucks.游戏很美,但中文很烂。JoshuaDimpudus Belum ada info rilis global ya bg di playstore?还没有国际服发布消息吗?ErendawnNews Reporter: What inspired you to make another same looking game?Netease: Money记者:是什么激励着你制作一款换皮游戏?网易:钱Justic ltd36Imagine lag but this time under the water.Lol想象一下,在水下缓缓移动,哈哈It's Me DIOHere we go again!Just like RO...
传闻小吉祥草王出世,诸神避退!油管小哥理性分析 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
...看到她的相貌和德丽莎相似,我就爱上她了。然而,米哈游可能会重新设计。yesI just hope she has the right skin tone according to her region.只希望她有自己的专属肤色。GRASSIf Hoyoverse made her a unique model, I hope that they also remake Itto's appearance into how he should be. His in-game model is just not it.如果米哈游让她成为一个独一无二的角色,希望也能把一斗的外观,改成他应有的样子。他在游戏中的模型不是这样的。Your Random Vampire LoliYep his model should be bigger than adult male model... Being an oni作为一个混混,他的模型应该比成年角色大一号。SuperKevinho7New models hype me more than patch 2.7 and Sumeru!I hope for males between Tall and Medium.新的模型让我大吃一惊,这不比2.7版本,须弥重要!希望成年角色介于中,高之间。kqworchiiLets go! Hope there are more height difference models too!! cant wait to see this one.想看。希望有更多的模型开发。Kiba the FangMales: You have 4 models? We only have 2.Itto: My arms (crying).男性:你们有4个模型?我们只有2个。一斗:哭了,我的胳臂。Just a regular Ko...
大型踩雷现场索尼PSPLUS会员“升级”与“尊贵”档位部分游戏阵容公布 - 社会资讯(健康生活网)
...ios, PS3· 剪刀王子 Puppeteer | Japan Studio, PS3· 雨 rain | Japan Studio, PS3· 瑞奇与叮当:寻求战利品 Ratchet Clank: Quest For Booty | Insomniac Games, PS3· 瑞奇与叮当:时间裂缝 Ratchet Clank: A Crack in Time |Insomniac Games, PS3· 瑞奇与叮当:纽带 Ratchet Clank: Into the Nexus | Insomniac Games, PS3· 抵抗3 Resistance 3 | Insomniac Games, PS3· 超级星尘HD Super Stardust HD | Housemarque, PS3· 东京丛林 Tokyo Jungle | Japan Studio, PS3· 维京人进攻之时 When Vikings Attack | Clever Beans, PS3第三方游戏:· 阿修罗之怒 Asura’s Wrath | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3· 恶魔城:暗影之王2 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 | Konami, PS3· 鬼泣:HD合集 Devil May Cry HD Collection | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3· 奴役:奥德赛西游 Enslaved: Odyssey to the West | Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc., PS3· F.E.A.R. | WB Games, PS3· 失落的星球2 Lost Planet 2 | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3· 忍者龙剑传:西格玛2 Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 | Koei Tecmo, PS3· 荒野大镖客:亡灵梦魇 Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare |Rockstar Games, PS3三档试玩游戏阵容第三档会员提供的游戏试玩部分作品阵容公...