...d to the weapon. Improved the camera behavior when locking on to Bingcan. Made changes so that a UI indicating that an affinity took place would be displayed when using the Five Phases to make talismans produced by the General of Heavens Illusion disappear. Improved the visibility of Demonized Dian Weis Critical Blow, in which he shoots projectiles. Made upward adjustments to the accessory drop rate increase granted by the special effect Drop Priority (Accessories). Made changes so that the special effects Cestus Damage Increase and Cestus Spirit Damage Increase may be applied to cestuses. Made upward adjustments to the potential rarities of drop items within treasure chests in the following battlefields from Extra Story 1: Battle of Zhongyuan: Main battlefield A Solitary Resistance Main battlefield Sons of the Yellow Heaven Main battlefield In the Name of Elai Sub battlefield A Requiem for the Deceased Major Bug Fixes Fixed a bug that made it impossible for the player to progress if their Co-op team disbanded while a tutorial including videos was open on their screen. Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside th...
...不久前在德国通过评级,部分内购信息曝光。而根据油管主j0nathan爆料,《刺客信条:幻景》的微交易与《刺客信条:英灵殿》类似,在商城中可以充值Helix点数,购买角色装扮、武器、坐骑皮肤等。名为火焰恶魔的组合包(Fire Demon Pack)被他泄露出来。 有玩家表示:自《刺客信条:起源》以来,育碧就执着于微交易。即使在《刺客信条:幻景》这么一部小体量的游戏中,育碧也不忘记加入氪金外观,令人感叹。 其实这些套装最主要的还是外观,属性并不怎么影响平衡(况且是单机游戏)。游玩过程中也有一堆好看且强力的装备,不必执着于商城内购套装。 再以《刺客信条:英灵殿》为例,每日做委托或者参与Ubisoft Connect社区活动就能领大量蛋白石,可用于兑换装备。每周还能在商城页面喜加一随机抽装备,不买也有机会免费得。 刺客信条幻景微交易介绍已经分享在上面,感兴趣的小伙伴可以参考本篇攻略,希望能为各位玩家们带来帮助,想要了解更多游戏攻略及资讯请持续关注全能...