...t neighbour they[i:]either keyeu/ew在j l r s后[ju:]new few newspaper[u:]flew brew jewelryie/ei[s]音之后[i:]piece field receiveoa[əu]coat Joan boat goaloar/oor[ɔ:]roar board door flooroi/oy[ɔi]noise point boy toiletoo[u:]broom food tooth school[u]book look cook foot goodou/ow[au]flower house count down[əu]know row throw though[ʌ]young country enough[u:]group you soupour[ɔ:]course your four[auə]our hour ours[ə:]journeyui在j l r s后[ju:i]fluid suicide tuition suit[u:]juice fruit7、非重读音节中元音字组和字群的读音元音字组或字群读 音例 词ai/ay ei/ey[i]Sunday foreign monkeyow[əu]yellow sparrow tomorrow-sion -tion[ʃən]impression nation-sion在元音字母后[ʒən]vision decision occasion-tion在s后[tʃən]question suggestion-sten[sn]listen-stle[sl]whistle-sure[ʒə]pleasure measure-ture[tʃə]picture culture-sion -tion[ʃən]impression nation-sion在元音字母后[ʒən]vision decision occasion-tion在s后[tʃən]question suggestion-sten[sn]listen-stle[sl]whistle-sure[ʒə]pleasure measure-ture[tʃə]picture culture8、元字组在复合词非重读音节中的读音复合词中的第二部分不标注重音符号,但其中的元音字母...
As a player of The Division 2, you may have encountered some technical difficulties or gameplay issues that have left you scratching your head. Fortunately, the in-game Intelligent System Analytic Computer (ISAC) is here to help. Here are some of the most helpful ISAC quotes to help you out.1. \"Incoming hostiles detected.\" This warning is often heard when enemies are about to attack you. Keep an eye out for red indicators on your minimap and take cover to prepare for the fight.2. \"Agent down.\" If one of your squadmates goes down in combat, rush to their aid and revive them before the enemies finish them off. Teamwork is key in The Division 2.3. \"Contaminated area detected.\" Certain areas of the game are contaminated with hazardous materials that can damage you or even kill you. Make sure to equip your gas mask when entering these areas to avoid taking damage.4. \"Rogue protocol initiated.\" If a fellow player goes rogue in the Dark Zone, they will become hostile to you and your squad. Be prepared to fight them or run for your life.5. \"Supply drop incoming.\" Keep an eye out for supply drops in the game, as they can provide valuable resources and loot. Make sure to secure the...
...人物走的路径combatlog 战斗日志sounddebug 声音测试模式killall 全怪死翘翘ascend 下一层descend 上一层clearhistory 清空本级历史missiletrails 显示远程攻击弹道alwayscrit 打出的永远都是暴击debuglogic 逻辑性测试noxp 你怎么打都不涨经验值money count (count为数值) 给你钱statpoints count 给你属性点strength count 给你力量属性点dexterity count 给你敏捷属性点magic count 给你魔法属性点defense count 给你防御属性点allstats count 给你所有属性加点fame count 给你声望值animationspeed fps 动作动画帧率调节,hurtme pct减少你和你的宠物多少百分比的HPresetstats 重置属性点(洗点)resetskills 重置技能点resetplayerlevel 重置人物等级到一级resetpetlevel 重置宠物等级resetplayer 人物所有相关重置skillpoints count 给你技能点setpetlevel level设置你宠物的等级2、宝石类:socketable 10 红色7级 384加血/90生命偷取 稀有宝石socketable 18 紫色7级 24%击退抵抗/18%执行几率 稀有宝石socketable 52 白色独眼 橙色宝石socketable 59 橙色7级 177火抗/52火伤 普通宝石socketable 65 幸运币 +6%金币获取 橙...
...GIN’ THE RIGGIN’ Donald Love来到指定武器店买火焰喷射器(不要钱的买……)。到指定红色地点烧毁所有带红色箭头的机器,(有敌人无限增援只需必要的) LOVE BULLETS Donald Love当保镖,保护目标人物,所有敌人,上车,到指定的地COUNTERFEIT COUNT Donald Love到蓝色指定地点,看见一带蓝色箭头的面包车!跟踪,目标车停下,下车(步行的?那你不能完成任务了)当红色箭头的人出现后立即干掉,捡起绿色标记物,继续跟踪。重复以上步奏3次既可 L.C. CONFIDENTIAL铃铛有时限,乘上警车到指定地点上蓝色箭头车子,到地点,剧情,解决敌人捡起绿色标记物,迅速赶往后指定地点 THE PASSION OF THE HEIST铃铛到指定地点解决掉附近敌人,捡起绿色标记物,送回指定地点KARMAGEDON铃铛上蓝色箭头的消防车,然后不断撞车另屏幕右方的槽加满,然后销毁这辆消防车,有时限 FALSE IDOLS铃铛有火箭炮就背上,没有就去买,迅速解决3个红点,然后回地点。 SAYONARA SINDACOOS R前往标记地,上指定车辆,进入FPS游戏,快速解决所有造成...
...台快速通关教程 1.调出控制台打开其目录下的setting.txt文件,将 CONSOLE和 DEBUGMENUS属值由默认的0改为1。在游戏中按 insert键即可调出控制台。 2.设置常用属(可忽略) god;神模式。 speed;角色行走速度提升。 killall;全怪死翘翘。 levelup count;(count)为提升级数。 money count;(count)给你钱。 skillpoints count;给你(未分配的)技能点。 statpoints count;给你(未分配的)属点。 allstats count;给你所有属加点。 3.剧本跳跃通关 questactive 182;接任务。 dungeon TOWN3;进入帝国营地,过动画,提示“第三章战争的前夕”。 dungeon DWARVENLABS;进入熔巖地下城。 descend 8;到达地下第八层,前面就是进入BOSS房间的传送入口。 killall;杀BOSS形态出场时。 killall; BOSS变身第二形态时。点一下出现的所谓“黑洞”,安装时间之心,然后传送门回城,找半人马天使对话即可。存档位置:C:\Users\用户名\Documents\My Games\runic games\torchlight 2\save\随机数字\(如果想体验游戏乐趣的话记得备份存档)/p>h3 style="text-indent:2em;">三、求火炬之光2 Torchlight2_chsV1.12.2.7修改器/h3>p st...