外国玩家品鉴原神剧情PV-「歌仙逸话」 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
Story Teaser: Tale of the Five Kasen | Genshin Impact歌仙逸话Long ago, Inazuma had five legendary poets, known as The Five Kasen. They left behind tales with several twists and turns, before the dust finally settled.And now, another group of five talented individuals have gathered in the Violet Garden, investigating one strange case. The truth is unearthed, an old story retold.昔时,稻妻有能诗者五人,留歌仙逸闻。几经曲折,风波伏定。今日,堇庭亦现才佳者五位,探荣采疑事。水落石出,重书旧话。外国玩家评论:译者:Perter.ZhutinI love the artstyle of this cutscene, they all look so pretty.我喜欢这个剪贴画风格,很漂亮。RinRee `In-game, this artstyle is canonically Albedo’s. But yes the artist(s) who made this should be praised 3游戏里阿贝多的画风就是这样。这个艺术家应该得到更多的赞赏。Artexius.I wish there's more events like this where characters from different nations meet each other.. it's a new experience.希望有更多这样的活动,来自不同国家的角色在这相遇。这种体验很新异。BabzI’m disappointed about the yoimiya and Klee interaction since th...
米哈游突然提前宣布原神2.7版本!外国网友热议 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
...oooohaaaaaa!这只是内鬼的推测罢了。如果魈和一斗在2.7版本复刻,对我来说,可以省下原石。因为我有温迪,正在为万叶存钱。Ava. SunI look forward to 2.8 and hopefully a kazuha rerun.期待万叶在2.8版本复刻。Yowisho.I'm really sad that Xiao will have another rerun, but at least I have more time to save up!悲!魈又复刻了,但我的原石还不够!需要更多的时间存钱。-Aeris_Gleams-Hopefully I can snatch my guaranteed five-star before 2.7.希望2.7版本之前,能得到我想要的五星角色。Sex SupervisorI hope it isn't Itto..I really really want his weapon :') I also hope it isn't Shenhe cause I want her too!!!!虽然我想要一斗的武器,但本人不希望有他复刻。当然,也包括申鹤。Alex he`theyIts definitely gonna be itto sorry.肯定有一斗的!抱歉。Lxcci☆彡Shenhe is less likely gonna have a rerun in ver 2.7 but i think itto is very most likely to have a rerun in ver 2.7.申鹤不太可能在2.7复刻,但一斗很有可能复刻。Εφη ΝεδουBruh people forgot xiao got a rerun on version 2.4.老兄,人们都忘了,魈曾在2.4版本复刻过了。Paimon's Friend~Bru...
外国玩家评论海洋版明日之后——《遗落海域》 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
....打扰了,这游戏需要中国身份证,浪费时间。JohnnyAlso it's made by NetEase.它也是网易制作的。Johnny LattaruloAll people who hate NetEase, if you hate NetEase, just avoid to download this game. Because when this game is out, you'll be disappointed and I'm sure this will be another dead game.所有人讨厌网易,如果你也讨厌,千万别下载。因为当它死服时,你会很失望。JakubCompany name change? not bad but it's not.游戏名字改了?不好也不坏。Johnny LattaruloYeah NetEase is so ridiculous if thinks changing the name makes us like forgetting... NetEase is still known to copying their games...是的,网易太好笑了,好像改名会让我们忘记他们换皮似的。SupriyadiNetEase has made a lot of good mobile games, but they often make it into p2w game about half year after their official release.网易制作过很多优秀的手游,但通常在公测后的半年,把它改成逼氪游戏。HizZAt first, i thought it's LifeAfter. Same Interface.刚开始的那个界面,我还以为是明日之后呢。Spoily 19There are quite numbers of netease games yet none officially release yet.网友游戏数量很多,...
幻塔2.0继续碰瓷营销原神?外国网友吐槽 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
...uAshish PawarThe only thing i didn't like in TOF is controls, it feels weird... Like in genshin the controls feel natural and in tof it feels like a game...welp i dont think i did right words to describe it but u get it right.. The controls of tof are very much like dragon raja which i didn't like, another thing is unlike genshin where character's movements are felt very natural here they move very mechanically..很不喜欢幻塔的手柄操作,那给人的感觉。原神的手感就很不错,很自然。幻塔玩起来就像。。抱歉,我不好形容。对,就像龙族手游那个操作。我很不喜欢。原神手柄操作移动就很自然,很有机械感。kira yamatoIdk, cause i dont get invitation :)不知道,因为我没有邀请码。Ashish Pawar@kira yamato I played cn version.我玩了中服。AlpyneYea, from what it looks like, aspects like sound design and movement animation need polishing.是的,幻塔的外观,声音,动作都需要改进。PureVanillaGamingYTIts only beta lol don't expect the controls will be perfect already kmsl它已经是终测了。哈哈。别指望完美世界会改手柄。Joshua DaveyGotta say the map impressed me until ...
塞尔达竞品!二次元开放世界手游《NewDawn》试玩!外国网友热议 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
...的,我想离开那个落后的《乌托邦起源》画质,试试这个。JacquessI wish a game like that could be played offline.希望可以单机。JaunorDont u have internet?, where u live?难道你没网吗?你住哪?NyaaThis actually looks good. Wth it's not available in play store. Another one bites to dust.看起来不错。苹果商店没有。又干掉一个。JaunorIts available in my store xd go to the link in the description.商城有啊,去看看下载链接。Nyaa@Jaunor It's not. Nothing shows up.没有,什么都没有。Jaunor@Nyaa Oh, maybe is not available in your country then.哦,可能你们国家不支持。Roe RaeLooks a lot like The Legend of Neverland.有点像《梦幻岛传说》。XONVery big different!非常不一样。Mr StellarThis one actually looks decent.看起来还不错。Ze DeStRoYeRNo autoplay on a game as beautiful like this ? Bro I'm coming rn哇,竟然没有自动寻路?兄弟们,我来了。XONYou are those kind of people that quit the game after 1 month.我猜你一个月后就会弃游。Ze DeStRoYeR@XON Yep lol.I am bro lol, but I know autoplay is better when you have lot of things to farm.哈哈。是的,当知道...
杉果日报:任天堂发布会没有《丝之歌》;《APEX》手游来了 - 科技资讯(健康生活网)
...结合的游戏,预计将于今年内正式发售,登陆 NS/PS/Xbox/PC 平台。游戏中玩家将扮演被邪恶附体的羊羔,在这片虚假先知横行的土地上,建立自己的教派,笼络忠诚信徒,沿途净化不信者的心智,最终成为无上威力的咩咩之神。《Another Crab‘s Treasure》是一款类魂系列动作冒险游戏,,预计将于 2023 年正式发售,登陆 NS 和 Steam 平台。游戏中玩家将会扮演一只寄居蟹,在海底探索寻找各式各样的外壳寄居,并和一众强大的海洋生物进行战斗。《OPUS:龙脉常歌》是一款结合解谜要素的叙事冒险游戏,今日登陆 NS 平台。本作已在 PC 平台发售, Steam 收获 97% 好评如潮。3.育碧:公司拥有保持独立所需要的一切上个月有报道称育碧吸引了多家私募股权公司的收购兴趣,其中包括黑石和 KKR Co。随着传言声势的不断扩大,育碧 CEO Yves Guillemot 不得不站出来辟谣。在昨天举办的育碧全年财报电话会议上,Guillemot 就收购问题解释道:“最近业界有很多关于公司整合的讨论,其中也涉及我们,不过我们的立场是明确...
心动网络肉鸽新作《浣熊不高兴》怎么样?老外热议 - 娱乐资讯(健康生活网)
...浣熊与肉鸽的碰撞到底能擦出什么样的火花呢?赶紧下载试玩版!外国网友评论:网文世界译者:Perter.ZhuHadamantesJogabilidade tá incrível游戏很棒!Unicron 8This one looks like it's going to be Funtaztic!Thank You这个看起来很有趣!kingsatyFinally, another Rougelike.Hope this is good.另类的肉鸽游戏。希望能令人满意。AnnoyingArnoldI already finish this and its good but still need more stages and stuf.玩过,但它需要更多的优化。Henrique MeloIt looks interesting!看起来有点意思!ArufisuThis video caught on my recommendation and it makes me nerveous for a sec lolEven tho ik about unhappy raccoon before the english version announced.这段视频是根据我的建议拍的,让我神经紧张了下。哈哈当然,这个游戏没有英化时,也有相关的报道。Crosien ErdhaFurry lover/fetish will happy!毛发控会乐疯的!Sahi AvilaYeah.Furrys the game!是的,毛绒类游戏!HarukyzInteressante, mas não instala.虽有趣,但安装不了。Jay ValechaTry taptap!试试TapTap!Harukyz@Jay Valecha Mas é por la mesmo que baixei :( e ja tentei por outros locais..Sad!悲!下载不了,...
生化危机4重制版艾达王篇DLC 生化危机4重制版艾达王篇DLC内容
生化危机4重制版艾达王篇DLC正在制作中,相信还有很多玩家们不知道关于艾达王篇DLC的具体内容,下面为大家带来生化危机4重制版艾达王篇DLC的具体内容,感兴趣的玩家们千万不要错过哦!生化危机4重制版艾达王篇DLC 生化危机4重制版已正式发售,许多人已沉迷其中,但游戏中缺少了佣兵模式和艾达王篇。免费DLC佣兵模式将于4月7日上线,而艾达王篇DLCSeparate Ways还在开发中。 据推特用户ResiEvilCentral透露,他找到了艾达王篇相关文件夹Another Order,此外还有名为Chainsaw的文件夹(估计是试玩Demo),名为Mercenaries的文件夹,这显然与佣兵模式更新有关。 DLCSeparate Ways中玩家将能操作艾达王,了解更多关于她在故事中的参与,其剧情补全了《生化危机4》故事。此前知名爆料者Dusk Golem曾透露称该DLC与原版相比,将更长更充实。
...锯男的屋子,然后立即爬到屋顶,用枪瞄准并射击教堂顶部的大钟,几秒钟之后,怪物就老实了。此方法非常适合速通。 第二个彩蛋是首个DLC,并且以艾达王为主角。 因为有数据挖掘者在游戏文件中发现了一个名为 The Another Order 的文件夹,以及电锯试玩版和佣兵模式的相关文件。The Another Order通常是日文游戏中DLC的文件命名。 第三个彩蛋在结尾处,暗示暗示续作:卡普空或将重制生化危机5 生化危机4重制版已于3月24日正式推出,玩家们对这款游戏的反馈非常不错,也让人不禁期待起来卡普空的下一作重制生化游戏会是什么。 尽管很多玩家猜测Capcom会选择重制《生化危机:代号维罗妮卡》,但是从生化危机4重制版的结局来看,也许生化危机5才是正确的答案。 有玩家发现,在生化危机4重制版的结局剧情中,艾达王向雇主威斯克汇报时,大屏幕的左上角出现了生化危机5的反派角色伊柯塞拉琼尼(Excella Gionne),这很可能就是卡普空对续作做出的暗示。 生化危机4重制版彩蛋...
... 然而,只有你能使每一天或一团移动很简单的方法是: 1)Make a move 采取行动。 2)Take the elevator down 乘电梯下去。 3)Sleep in the bed untill its morning 睡在床上,除非它的早晨。 4)Take the elevator up 乘电梯上去。 5)Make another move 进行新一轮的。RIGHT HAND OF GLOVA 位于老城区解谜。 上面就是消逝的光芒十大神器获取方法一览相关内容,希望能为各位玩家们带来帮助,想要了解更多游戏攻略及资讯请持续关注开服表游戏。