...永恒为基 They become a part of you 镌刻传奇于己 Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 浴血谱曲争锋 Relentless you survive 披星执剑求生 They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near 寒烟饮冰四起 壮志于骨昭然 It's deep in their bones they'll run into smoke when the fire is fierce 烈火狷狂侵衣 余烬终将退散 Oh pick yourself up 'cause 抛舞汝一头颅 挥尽你之热血 Legends never die 四海呼声雀起 When the world is calling you 铸成传奇不熄 Can you hear them screaming out your name 世人皆唤你名 Legends never die 再以永恒为基 They become a part of you 镌刻传奇于己 Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 浴血谱曲传奇 Legends never die 再以永恒为基 They're written down in eternity 铸成传奇不熄 But you'll never see the price it costs the scars collected all their lives 可叹伤痕累然 不见埋骨之川 When everything's lost they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat 天以万物夺之 便以此身为敌 Before it all starts they suffer through harm just to touch a dream 回首向来当年 ...
... They become a part of you 把故事谱成了曲 Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 逆境抗争写就伟大 Relentless you survive 血汗染红衣 They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near 永不言弃,尽管再多挑战与冷语 It's deep in their bones they'll run into smoke when the fire is fierce 生来顽强,从来不惧风大和浪急 Oh pick yourself up 'cause 哦,志逐传奇,因为 Legends never die 传奇永垂不朽 When the world is calling you 这世界在召唤你 Can you hear them screaming out your name 可听到正呼喊你的名字 Legends never die 传奇永垂不朽 They become a part of you 把故事谱成了曲 Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 写就伟大血汗染红衣伤痕无人会提及 Legends never die 传奇永垂不朽 They're written down in eternity 美名刻在天地 But you'll never see the price it costs the scars collected all their lives 血泪自己抹去 When everything's lost they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat 失尽一切,重拾信心振奋再爬起 Before it all starts they suffer through harm just to touch a ...
...J and Jason Walsh 混音。歌词如下: This ain't where the legends come from. You're not what a hero looks like. Pretty little flower won't you sit back down and go play nice. Keep talking keep laughing. One day you'll wish you hadn't. All the people want fire fire. Maybe it's time they meet their dragon. If you're gonna hold me down. And you're not gonna let me in. Into your castle walls. None of you can keep them. Cause if I gotta. Bu bu burn it all down. Then we'll burn it all down. My oh my look at who end up bigger this time. And if I gotta. Bu bu break it all down. Then let's break it all down. Bye bye bye. Playing with fire. And we burn it all down. This is where the bruises come from. This is when the game gets ugly. These blood sweat tears keep running. Licking my plate 'cause I'm so hungry. Keep talking keep laughing. One day you'll see what happens. All the people want fire fire. It's about time they meet their dragon. If you're gonna hold me down. And you're not gonna let me in. Into your castle walls. None of you can keep them. Cause if I gotta. Bu bu burn it all down. Then we'll burn it all down. My oh my look at who end up bigger this time. And if I go...
...认设置s - Same as /setsearch - 搜索物品名称set - 在这世界标记一个路径点setjump [JUMP|reset] - 设置跳跃的高度setspawn [ ] 设置当前位置 X轴 Y轴 Z轴setspeed [速度|重置] - 设置移动速度spawnspawnstacksuperheat [all] - Turns items which are furnace-able into their furnaced formt - Same as /teletele - 传送到此坐标time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]] - 设置指定时间得到物品timeschedule - 设定一段时间段,让世界永远保持在这段时间之间unbinduseportal - 传送到地狱waterdamage - 开关潜水伤害worldworld load - 加载指定的文件world save - 保存退出游戏world seed [SEED] - 给你看看你世界里有多少个方块world new [FILENAME] [SEED] - 在指定位置创建新地图world exit - 不保存退出游戏world list - 列出所有存档
...名字:Aimee[人名]艾梅1、Aimees mom: If you didnt believe for all those years that your son was still alive, none of us would be here now.要不是这些年你始终坚信你儿子还活着,我们都不会在这里。2、They dont have to bring everything home every night, Aimee Fournier, their English teacher, wrote. But a lot of kids dont take much time at their lockers to sort out what they do need.英语老师艾米·弗涅尔(Aimee Fournier)在信中写道:他们没必要每晚把所有东西都背回家,但很多孩子不会在储物柜前驻足停留,考虑自己的真实需要。3、Instructor Aimee Richardson says the class is helping people in the nations capital deal with the stress of the long election season.指导老师艾梅.理查德森表示这种项目帮助首都华盛顿的人们处理漫长选举季所带来的压力。二、艾米my怎么读,读音是什么艾米Amy英 [em]美 [em]跟读n.埃米;女子名例句1.Amy is always the centre of attraction at parties.艾米总是聚会上的中心人物。百度翻译例句库2.Theres tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust.当尼克和艾米为了获取你...
...hierarch."“舰队已经准备就绪,只等您的命令了,大主教。”"Today, we will reclaim our homeworld."“今天,我们将夺回属于自己的家园。”Now, the XelNaga that fed us all, are returning.如今,我们的创始者萨尔那加,回来了。The galaxy will burn with their ing. Fitting, that we should face oblivion together.星系会随他们的到来而燃烧。这场湮灭,我们应该共同面对。Emon whispered this from the stars, he told you of ruining, extiction, end of all things.埃蒙从星云中轻声低语了一切,他预言了破坏、灭绝,和一切的终结。The fate of creation hangs, get the balance.万物的命运,岌岌可危。My life for Aiur.为艾尔而战。三、星际争霸2哪个cg好看星际争霸2三今天我们来八一八暴雪,这个被游戏耽误的公司。暴雪出品,。这句slogan不仅体现在游戏上,更是体现在暴雪的游戏中的过场CG中。用囧王者的话说,把这些过场CG单独提出来,当成看,一点都没有问题。甚至,比大多数的大片儿更好看。至于,咱们要说星际争霸2三部曲中,哪一部的开场CG更好看,坦率说说,囧王者...
...中的第二道防线,后用以比喻不负责任的地位。造句:他已经退居二线了。二、2的英文怎么写2的英文是two。two英 [tu:]美 [tu]n.两个;两个东西;两点钟;一对;adj.两个的;我同;num.两个;第二;二;双语例句1. Its a long way to go for two people in their seventies.对于两个七十几岁的人来说,这段路太远了。2. He lost two stone in weight during his time there.他在那儿的时候体重下降了2英石。3. I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt.我解开了自己黄灰相间的衬衫上下面的两个纽扣。4. It would be difficult to find two men who were more dissimilar.很难找到彼此间差异更大的人了。5. The two policemen were joined by another policeman also carrying a pistol.另一名持枪和那两名会合了。6. He bowled so well that we won two matches.他的球投得棒,使我们赢下了两场比赛。三、2读什么2读“二”。读数目字只用“二”不用“两”,如“一、二、三、四”。小数和分数只用“二”不用“两”,如“零点二(0.2),三分之二”。序数也只用“二”,如“第二、二哥”。在一般量词...
...setjump [JUMP|reset]-设置跳跃的高度落地伤害和移动 1:1setspawn [ ]设置当前位置 X轴 Y轴 Z轴setspeed [速度|重置]-设置移动速度spawn [QTY]-产生一个生物spawnstack{NAME|ID|random}-产生一个合体的怪物NPCsuperheat [all]- Turns items which are furnace-able into their furnaced formt- Same as/teletime [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]]-设置指定时间得到物品timeschedule-设定一段时间段,让世界永远保持在这段时间之间unbind-解除一个命令waterdamage-开关潜水伤害world-世界情报world load-加载指定的文件world save-保存退出游戏world seed [SEED]-给你看看你世界里有多少个方块world new [FILENAME] [SEED]-在指定位置创建新地图world exit-不保存退出游戏二、我的世界手机版能用指令吗手机版全指令一览我的世界中提供了非常多的指令可以使用,其中手机版也是可以使用指令的,共有25种指令,分别是/alwaysday锁定或解锁昼夜交替、/clear从玩家物品栏中删除物品、/clone将特定区域的方块复制到另一处、/difficulty Peaceful设置游戏和平难度、/locate Village快速寻找村庄等,只要...
...出击)Capture a Strike Point.占领一个突击点#38This is our town, Nork(这是我们的地头,北棒)Capture all Strike Points.占领所有突击点#39Dear diary(亲爱的日记...)Collect 10 Journals.收集10本日志#40Oh a piece of candy!(哦一块糖果)Distract 30 KPA from their guard posts in yellow zone without being detected.在不被发现的情况下将30个KPA从他们区域中的守卫点吸引出来#41Fyre Starter(纵火犯)Set a KPA on fire by shooting a gas vent.通过射击排气口来点燃一名KPA士兵#42Robin Hood(美国罗宾汉)Kill a KPA soldier with a crossbow bolt from over 50 meters away.50米外,使用十字弩一名KPA士兵#43Striking Back(自卫反击战)Capture 30 Strike Points.占领30个突击点#44Part-timer(零时工)Complete 5 Jobs.完成5个工作#45Jobsworth(按部就班)Complete all Jobs.完成所有工作#46Inside Job(内部)Infiltrate a KPA Stronghold and deactivate the valve without being detected.在不被发现的情况下,潜入KPA要塞并关闭阀门#47Conqueror(征服者)Capture all KPA Strongholds.攻占所有的KPA要塞#48Riding High(摩的大飚客)Drive the motorbike 60 me...
...个录音机得知,虽然逃生的出口会在三个小时后打开,但是沙林气正在屋子里蔓延,除非他们能找到剂,否则将会在两小时内死亡。其中一枚剂就在他们待的房间内的保险箱里,打开的关键就在「每个人的心后」(in the back of [their] mind)。地上有一张纸条和一把,纸条写著「请勿试著用此打开房门」,塞维尔(贩犯)仍然试著要用打开房门,结果触动,射杀了正从房门探视孔望出去的Gus(盗用公款犯)。这时场景转到工厂,马修正与拼图狂对话,试著要争取时间以便追踪电脑萤幕发送讯号的来源。此时受害者正在屋子里找寻剂,他们在地下室发现留言给欧比(纵火犯)的录音带,得知欧比正是他们的人。不久之后,欧比试著爬入一个火炉拿取剂,触动而被烧死在火炉里。他们发现另一卷录音带,内容有关塞维尔因贩受到拼图狂的谴责。另外,他们发现一间房间有一个充满使用过的针筒的大凹槽,里面有一把打开装有剂的房间的。然而塞维尔并没有自己跳入凹槽寻找,反而把亚曼达丢进去。亚曼达...