dotag联赛 G联赛DOTA规则怎么样
2.比赛开始前15分钟为主机测试时间,期间在主机内由双方场上队长输入-Roll 100,胜利的一方绝优先选择天灾或者近卫、先选或者后选,另一方决定另外一项,如:A队选择先选或者后选,则由B队选择近卫或者天灾;
12.允许使用掉线角色继续进行比赛,任何情况下都不允许拾取或卖掉掉线者的物品,包括使用掉线者卖出(Team Sell)。掉线者的装备可放在一边,但只允许放在本方水泉附近,也允许追加掉线者的装备,出现养人情况将被警告,警告无效将会被判负;
1. Victory: One team typing GG or destroy the world tree or the frozen throe.
2. Players allow to test the host 15 minutes before the game start. Within the host, team captain-roll 100, the winner able to choose the scourge or the sentinel. Team A choose the scourge them Team B to be the sentinel.
3. Game mode:-CM(Roll winner decide Ban/Pick)-CM1 for sentinel Ban/Pick-CM2 for scourge Ban/Pick
4. Players are not allowed to give the money to your teammate, not allow purchasing any inventory for your teammate. The referee warning for the first time ears than disqualified.
5. Allowed to share products like: ring of health; Void Stonel; Ring of regeneration; Sobi Mask. But can not use these items for a long time. If a player leave the line and did not return the iteams, the referee has a rights to warning this player and maybe disqulified.
6. If use borrowed iteams to bined iteams, then seems fault.
7. Players are able to share the aepetable iteams but not able to sale them. Eg: empty bottle only belong to a person who buy it, others can not help to gain the water from the life spring.
8. Players are able to use anmial courier and only able to purchase own iteams.
9. If a anmial courier has been killed, the enemies might collect all drop items, and have the right to destoried or sale them, but only once. Players are not able to sale them once they out of the life spring as well as sharing them.
10. If a player collect own side products them must give back the player who purchase it. Within this period, player are not able to fight, must back to life spring first them given back to iteams(Gem of true sight are aeptable)
11. If a player collect a iteams drop from other player which can not be throw, this player are able to destory the items or wait for other player alive(Gem of ture sight are aeptable)
12. Dropped hero are able to contiue played, but any items of this particular player can not be used of sale or team sell. Warning will be given or disqulifed.
13. If any special suituation our, both sides have 2 change to pause the game, but must tell the reasons to referee. Other suituation must annouced to the referre first the let the referre to pause the game. Any pause can not be over 3 minutes. Please see 2.1 No 23.
14. Any pause can not be our with engagement period. Warning will be given or disqulifed.
15. If imposter, fake game or any cheat ours, this players or teams will be cancel the qulification or disqulifed and consider the later qulification. Please see 2.1 No 22.
16. Both leaders are able to save the replays as the evidence, but not allow posting to other media without anization permission. See General No 30
电子竞技电视联赛(G联赛、英文名G·League)是由上海文广互动电视有限公司(SiTV)旗下数字电视频道游戏风云(ImbaTV)主办,并与PLU游戏共同转播制作的国内电子竞技电视联赛。 G联赛名称的含义: Golden,参与者的价值将在联赛中得到提升,胜利者将得到一桶“”。 Gamers玩家,一个属于游戏玩家参与的联赛,联赛将针对各个游戏的爱好者开放,并使他们参与其中。 General常规,全面,G联赛将改变过去电子竞技赛事仅仅包含精英,星际争霸,魔兽争霸的局面,除了常规的3大项目,还将添加FIFA,实况,NBA,休闲游戏,游戏等大众化电子竞技项目。(现目前FIFA、CS等项目已经取消,只有war3,sc,dota三个项目)